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DuBard School Students Advance to Local School Districts

Thu, 05/23/2019 - 10:41am | By: Brittney Dykes

DuBard School 2019 graduates.

Twenty-three students from the DuBard School for Language Disorders at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) are returning to their local school districts next year. The advancing students were recognized at a special awards celebration held at USM.

“All of these students have worked very hard for this day,” said Missy Schraeder, DuBard School Director. “Today marks the end of their time at DuBard School and the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. It is a bittersweet, yet exciting day for us all.”

The DuBard School for Language Disorders currently serves 80 children in its full time enrollment program. These children have an average of 5.6 diagnoses each, with primary disability rulings in speech, language, and/or hearing. The school is non-graded, with students progressing at their own rates of progress. On average, children attend DuBard School for five years before returning to the their home school districts to continue their education.

“It is an honor to serve each of these children in helping to meet their educational needs,” Schraeder said. “We are very proud of each of our students and are looking forward to hearing great stories from the families of those who are returning back to their local schools next year.”