Association Office Professionals
History of Association of Office Professionals
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The University of Southern Mississippi Association of Office Personnel (USMAOP) was organized in 1974 when Dr. William McCain was USM President and Cathy Adams was the first president. The first meeting was on Tuesday, November 12, 1974. Thirty-six people were present.
To allow office personnel to meet each other and share problems, solutions, and experiences.
On May, 12, 1975, the first Bosses' Lunch took place.
VOICE newsletter published.
- Bobby Anderson was president of AOP
- Jewel Tucker was secretary.
The PSP program was created with direct support from President Dr. Lucas.
AOP Standing Committees for 1977-78:
Food Committee, Hospitality Committee, Membership Committee, and the Publicity Committee.
Dues: Membership dues were $1.00. In October 1977, another committee was established, the Program Committee.
Noteworthy Events:
- Jewel designed and published the first VOICE.
- Secretaries' Intramural Basketball Team.
- November tea was held for "bosses and secretaries" which represented the beginning of the Bosses Luncheon that developed several years later
- President-Robin Nobles was president
- Secretary-Mary Butler Sumrall
- Treasurer-Sandra Brackman
USM AOP was the largest affiliate of the Mississippi Association of Educational Secretaries (MAES.)
Soon the Mississippi Association of Educational Secretaries changed its name and became the Mississippi Association of Educational Office Personnel (MAEOP), and later, the Mississippi Association of Educational Office Professionals.
In 1986, membership soared to over 200 people for the first time. USM AOP to change to the USM Association of Office Professionals
Growth of AOP at Gulf Park and Hattiesburg
Noteworthy Event:
First AOP Membership Tea