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Graduate School

Graduate School's Vision and Mission

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Operating within the values of a student-focused, doctoral-level, higher research activity university, the Graduate School at The University of Southern Mississippi will be a model for excellence and accomplishment in public graduate education.



The mission of The Graduate School of The University of Southern Mississippi is to foster a culture of excellence and integrity in graduate education, producing a diverse population of graduates whose competence, conduct, and professional presence set them apart in a competitive workforce and bring distinction to our institution. Our students will receive the highest-quality educational experience in their specific disciplines, along with opportunities for professional and personal development that will enrich their lives. 



  • Increasing visibility and perceived value of a graduate degree from Southern Miss by showcasing student and faculty accomplishments
  • Developing strategies for proactive recruitment of local, regional, national, and international students
  • Providing competitive financial support through assistantships and fellowships that attract high quality prospects
  • Promoting student progress and success by fostering effective mentorship
  • Adopting policies and practices that promote accountability and an expectation of accomplishment
  • Advancing professional development programs that enhance transferable skills  
  • Funding competitive awards to support student travel to national/international conferences to share research or creative accomplishments