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Southern Mississippi Launches iSouthernMS App for Android

Mon, 02/21/2011 - 11:34am | By: Kelly Williams

The University of Southern Mississippi has a new Android app available which allows the Southern Miss community to stay connected to campus at anytime and from anyplace.

The Android app, now part of the iSouthernMS mobile suite, offers instant mobile access to campus maps, the entire course catalog, the latest university news, sports schedules, the campus directory and much more.

In addition, iSouthernMS for the Android includes widgets, an Android-specific feature, that gives users the ability to access important content directly from the home screen of a mobile device without even opening the app. With the increased popularity of Android devices on campus, having a native Android app is an extremely important asset for improving student engagement.

“Now, with Android, we can reach even more of our campus community,” said Jeff May, director of Technology Advancement and Innovation. “We're excited to have a partner in Blackboard that really understands the possibilities for mobile applications in education.”

Powered by Blackboard, iSouthernMS brings an interactive campus experience to more students than ever before. The iSouthernMS app is available at no charge for the Android, iPhone, iPod touch, BlackBerry and all other browser-enabled devices. It may be accessed through the mobile Web at The iSouthernMS Android app may be downloaded from the Android Market directly from any Android phone.