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Tickets for Southern Miss Production of Sweeney Todd Go On Sale Today

Wed, 10/31/2012 - 09:50am | By: Mike Lopinto

Tickets for the Southern Miss production of Sweeney Todd go on sale today.

Tickets for the highly anticipated University of Southern Mississippi School of Music production of Stephen Sondheim's Tony Award-winning, musical chiller Sweeney Todd begin public sale today, appropriately, Halloween Day. With only four performances, Feb. 28 - March 2 at 7:30 p.m. and March 3 at 2 p.m., the large-scale musical reopens the renovated Mannoni Performing Arts Center Auditorium. A sell-out is anticipated.

“This is a very popular show that has generated quite a buzz,” said Michael Miles, director of the School of Music and music director of the show. “It is a wonderful collaboration between music and theatre, featuring some incredibly talented student, alumni and community performers and staff.”

Symphony season ticket holders were the first to have access to advance sales. Now, the public has a chance to treat, not trick, themselves as individual tickets are made available.

The plot focuses on Victorian-era barber Benjamin Barker of London, who is wrongly sent to an overseas penal colony so a corrupt judge could seduce his wife and raise his daughter. After 15 years he changes his name to Sweeney Todd, returns home, reopens his business and plans revenge against the judge.

Soon he joins forces with Mrs. Lovett, a bakeshop proprietress with her own evil bent and a long-smothering love for the barber. As Todd kills his barbershop customers, Lovett uses the bodies to make meat pies that become a culinary sensation. It's a bloody good time!

Tickets are available from the Southern Miss Ticket Office by calling 601.266.5418, 800.844.8425 or go to  Adult price is $20 and student price is $15.