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Southern Miss Online Masters Program Receives Key Transportation Certification

Thu, 08/15/2013 - 01:29pm | By: Van Arnold

The online Master of Science for Logistics, Trade and Transportation at The University of Southern Mississippi has been approved by the American Society of Transportation & Logistics Board of Examiners as an approved Certified in Transportation and Logistics academic program.

Administered by the Center for Logistics, Trade and Transportation (CLTT) at Southern Miss, the program's graduates may now earn CTL designation with their degrees. Graduates may also gain access to a global network of industry professionals; receive electronic subscription to the Transportation Journal; enjoy one year complimentary student membership in APICS and obtain discounted registrations to major industry events such as ASTL annual meeting.

 “This new approval from ASTL adds to the already strong value proposition of our online master's program, including but not limited to: Fully Online, Condense Program, Special Tracks (Security, Management and Economic Development), Study Abroad to Panama, and Customizable,” said CLTT Director Tulio Sulbaran. 

Working professionals, military personnel and traditional students are encouraged to apply by October 15 to begin classes in January, 2014.

The ASTL is the premier professional organization for transportation and logistics professionals. Founded in 1946 by industry leaders, ASTL strives to promote and ensure the highest level of global standards through professional certification in the field of transportation and logistics. ASTL certification programs are used throughout business, academia, and governments worldwide. The CTL (Certified in Transportation and Logistics) Certification Program began in 1948.

For more information about the Southern Miss' On-line Master of Science for Logistics, Trade and Transportation, visit