Office of the Controller
Procedures for Routing of Personal Services Agreement (PSA)
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The PSA should be approved by all signatory authorities before work commences.
The completed PSA and Determination Form should be routed to the following departments for signature approval:
- Step 1: Originating department for the contractor's signature and the authorized signer for the account charged. Required for all agreements.
- Step 2: Tax Compliance Officer (Box No. 5119). Required for all agreements.
- Step 3: Dean or VP of originating department: needed if services are greater than or equal to $5,000 for the year
- Step 4: Human Resources: needed if the contractor is currently a PERS member
- Step 5: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs: needed if a restricted account (contract or grant) will be charged
- Step 6: Office of Contracts and Grants Accounting: needed if a restricted account (contract or grant) will be charged
- Step 7: Purchasing Department (Box No. 5003). Required for all agreements.