School of Humanities
EGO: The English Graduate Organization
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The English Graduate Organization (EGO) is a resource for graduate students in English,
offering opportunities for professional development, academic and community service,
financial support, networking, and advice on graduate student survival.
EGO will offer a series of seminars ranging from paper writing to pedagogy, as well as its annual graduate student conference. Through these activities, EGO strives to help its members build curriculum vitae and develop significant academic and professional skills.
While maintaining its commitment to academic excellence and career enhancement, EGO also values graduate student social life. Events such as a Silent Auction, bowling nights, pizza parties, pot lucks, and pub crawls encourage EGO members to form a community.
Membership is open to all graduate students in the USM English Department. Members pay dues in the amount of $20.00 during their first semester in the organization and $5.00 for each subsequent semester. These fees go into travel grant and award funds and provide food and membership privileges. Dues-paying members will receive incentive prizes. Catered meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month during the fall and spring semesters, and officer elections are held in April of each year.
EGO will offer a series of seminars ranging from paper writing to pedagogy, as well as its annual graduate student conference. Through these activities, EGO strives to help its members build curriculum vitae and develop significant academic and professional skills.
While maintaining its commitment to academic excellence and career enhancement, EGO also values graduate student social life. Events such as a Silent Auction, bowling nights, pizza parties, pot lucks, and pub crawls encourage EGO members to form a community.
Membership is open to all graduate students in the USM English Department. Members pay dues in the amount of $20.00 during their first semester in the organization and $5.00 for each subsequent semester. These fees go into travel grant and award funds and provide food and membership privileges. Dues-paying members will receive incentive prizes. Catered meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month during the fall and spring semesters, and officer elections are held in April of each year.
2020-2021 Officers
President: Jana Ishee
Vice President: Morgan Brewer
Secretary: Adam Dunnels
Treasurer: Jillian Marinovic
Graduate Student Liaison: Corley Longmire
Professionalization Events Coordinator: Amber Martin