Center for Oral History and Cultural Heritage
About Oral History Collections
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Since the program began in 1971, researchers have recorded more than four thousand interviews about Mississippi history and culture.
Topics include politics and government, organized labor, civil rights, ethnic experiences, agriculture, journalism, art, sports, natural disasters, and general life histories. We are always in the process of acquiring new materials. Please contact the Center for more information at 601.266.4574601.266.4574.
The original recordings and bound manuscripts are deposited on campus at the university's William D. McCain Library and Archives and are available to the general public. Researchers may listen to any processed and unrestricted recordings. Audio recordings, however, may not be quoted, paraphrased, cited, or used in any way for publication. Quotations must come from deposited transcripts. Most transcripts have been approved by the interviewees, who were allowed to make minor changes. All transcripts and audio recordings are copyrighted and any reproduction or duplication beyond fair use requires written permission from the Center for Oral History and Cultural Heritage, Box 5175, Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001. If the person interviewed chose to retain literary rights, you must write for this permission from both the program and the interviewee.
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