Faculty Directory
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Ms. Karen Aderer
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Social Work
Discipline: Social Work
Hardy Hall (Hardy) 341 map
Dr. Lin Agler
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
Experimental Psychology
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Psychology
Discipline: Psychology
Hardy Hall (Hardy) 312 map
Mrs. Mary Ellen Askew
Clinical Instructor
Areas of Expertise
Literacy, Field Experiences, Gifted
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Education
Discipline: Curriculum and Instruction
Hardy Hall (Hardy) 333 map
Dr. Bridgette Davis
Assistant Teaching Professor
Areas of Expertise
Secondary Education, Biology, Chemistry, General Science and K-12 Reading
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Education
Discipline: Curriculum and Instruction
Hardy Hall (Hardy) Room 325 map
Dr. Megan Goldfarb
Assistant Teaching Professor
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Psychology
Discipline: Psychology
Dr. Michael Mong
Associate Professor
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Psychology
Discipline: Psychology
Dr. Erica Morgan
Assistant Teaching Professor
Areas of Expertise
Psychiatric Assessment; Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Post-vention; Person-Centered Crisis Intervention; Adolescent & Young Adult Mental Health
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Social Work
Discipline: Social Work
Hardy Hall (Hardy) 337 map
Dr. Kenji Noguchi
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
Experimental Psychology, Culture, Social Cognition, Values, Well-being
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Psychology
Discipline: Psychology
Dr. Kelley Stricklin
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
Literacy, Phonics, Differentiation
College: Education and Human Sciences
School: School of Education
Discipline: Curriculum and Instruction
Hardy Hall (Hardy) 329 map