School of Construction and Design
Course Descriptions
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* Permission of Instructor required
** Permission of ID Program coordinator required
*** Specifically equipped personal laptop computer required/specifications available
through the ID Office, 601.266.5988
+140. Interior Design I. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: MS Word/PP competency. An introduction to the field of interior design with emphasis on processes and resources of the designer.
178. Seminar in Interior Design. 3 hrs. Studio/Lecture. An in-depth study of special topics to meet current needs. May be repeated for a total of no more than seven hours.
210. CAD for Interior Design.*** 3 hrs. Studio/Lecture. Prerequisite(s): ID 140. Corequisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with ID 238. An exploration of computer-aided design software as utilized in the interior design profession through a variety of projects.
232. Interior Materials and Installation Methods. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: ID 140 or *. A study of architectural materials for interiors with an emphasis on selection, cost, installation, construction supervision and code/standards requirements.
+238. Visual Communications in Interior Design.*** 3 hrs. Studio/Lecture. Should be taken concurrently with ID 210. An introduction to visual communication in interior design with emphasis on orthographic and free-hand drawing and visual design terminology.
+240. Interior Design II.*** 3 hrs. Studio/Lecture. Prerequisites: ID 140, 238 or *. Should be taken concurrently with ID 311. A studio course for the exploration and application of design methodology to interior environments - PDF
+242. Portfolio Development. *** 2 hrs. Prerequisites: ID 140 or *. (May be taken concurrently with ID 140 and 238.) An introduction to various portfolio techniques, documentation methods and career planning for the interior design profession.
303. Interior Systems. 3 hrs. lecture. Prerequisites: ID 140, 232, 240, MAT 100, or *. (May be taken concurrently with ID 232, 238 and/or 240.) Design aspects of interior systems that affect human sensory response, behavior, productivity and well-being with an emphasis on lighting, acoustics, plumbing and HVAC.
311. BIM in Interior Design.*** 3 hrs. Studio/lecture. Prerequisite(s): ID 210 or permission of the instructor. Corequisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with ID 240. An exploration of advanced computer-aided design and building information modeling software as utilized in the interior design profession through a variety of projects.
+320. Design Presentation Media.*** 3 hrs. Studio/Lecture Prerequisites: All requirements and acceptance for admission in 300/400 level interior design studio or **. The application of various media and techniques for the presentation of interior design concepts.
325. History of Interior Furnishings and Decorative Arts. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: ID 140 or *. A study of the historical relationships between the decorative arts, period furniture and interior design as revealed in European, Oriental and American furniture styles and domestic interiors from antiquity through the 20th century.
333. Textiles for Interiors. 3 hrs. A study of the production, properties and performance of textiles for interiors with emphasis on the selection of textiles for specific environmental applications.
+339. Interior Design III.*** 3 hrs. Studio/lecture. Prerequisites: All requirements and acceptance for admission in 300/400 level interior design studio, or **. The analysis and application of architectural detailing, building systems, standards and codes necessary for programming, problem-solving and the space planning of interior spaces.
+340. Residential Interior Design I.*** 3 hrs. Studio/lecture. Prerequisites: ID 232, 303, 320, 339. (May be taken concurrently with ID 232 and 303.) Advanced application in space planning, human factors, interiors for special needs and interior systems for residential interiors.
+342. Residential Interior Design II.*** 3 hours. Studio/lecture. Prerequisites: ID 325, 340. Advanced problems in space planning, human factors, historical furnishings/interiors and ornamentation for residential interiors.
438. Portfolio Presentation.*** 1 hr. Prerequisites: ID 242, 340, 439. Discussion and analysis of principles, trends and practices relevant to portfolio design and presentation for entry level and internship positions in the interior design profession.
+439. Contract Interior Design I.*** 3 hrs. Studio/lecture. Prerequisites: ID 232, 303, 320, 339. (May be taken concurrently with ID 232 and 303.) Advanced problems in commercial interiors with an emphasis on office design projects. - PDF
+440. Contract Interior Design II.*** 3 hrs. Studio/lecture. Prerequisite: ID 439. Advanced problems in commercial interiors with an emphasis on hospitality, retail and medical or institutional design projects. - PDF
441. Professional Practices and Procedures. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: ID 240 or **. Application of the aspects of business to the interior design profession.
442. Interior Design Internship**. 4-6 hrs. Prerequisite(s): ID 340, ID 439 with a grade of C or better and an overall 2.50 GPA for the course work completed. A practicum for the interior design student in a working-training situation with a professional interior designer.
490. Advanced Application of Design Theory.*** 3 hrs. Studio/lecture. Prerequisites: ID 342, 438, 440 (with a grade of āCā or better). Directed in-depth research and problem solving application of a current interior design issue or a design project within the community.
492. Special Problems. 1-6 hrs. Prerequisite: 3.25 Overall GPA and 3.5 GPA in the major. Directed individual study. (Students undertaking a Seniors Honor project will enroll in ID 490H).
497. British Housing and Interiors*. 3-6 hrs. Studies abroad: a series of lectures and tours by English authorities on interior design topics.
The semester credit hours are listed after the title of each course.
100. Introduction to the Arts. 3 hrs. A team-taught investigation of the music, visual and theatrical arts designed for students who are not otherwise academically involved with these arts (CC 1233)
Southern Miss courses for which there are acceptable junior/community college courses are marked as (CC ____). It should be noted that there is a variance in course sequence between the junior/community colleges and Southern Miss. In addition, courses with the same junior/community college numbers vary from college to college. An adviser should be consulted before course scheduling.
The plus (+) sign in front of a course indicates that a special fee is charged for that course. (All labs are subject to a usage fee.)