Fay B. Kaigler Children's Book Festival
Friday, April 5, 2019
Page Content
Complimentary coffee service offered from 8am to noon at the end of 2nd floor exhibitor’s hall.
9-10 a.m. General Session with Javaka Steptoe
(0.1 CEU)
10:15-11:30 a.m. Autographing at Barnes and Noble
Tamora Pierce, Sophie Blackall, Brian Floca, Kevin Lewis, Javaka Steptoe , Ezra Jack
Keats Book Award winners and breakout session presenters Carmen Oliver
Special Guests: Chris Raschka and Paul O. Zelinsky
10:30-11:30 a.m. Concurrent Sessions
*Indicates Second Chance Sessions
S1. Kamishibai Storytelling: Bringing Culture and Interactive Storytelling into Your
Claudia Nisbett and Nancy Varian - Room 216
(0.1 CEU)
S2. Extend your STEM with Mother Goose*
Soline Holmes, Carrel Muller, and Alicia Schwarzenbach- Room 210
(0.1 CEU)
S3. Making a Maker Space in a Middle School Library*
Tamela Camp Miller and Emma Seiler - Room 214
(0.1 CEU)
S4. Intersections: Technology, Social Justice, and the Public Library
Dawn Collins and David Jackson - Room 218 A
(0.1 CEU)
S5. Reading and Math- The Perfect Combination
Jo Hawkins-Jones and Diana Sweigart- Room 218 B
(0.1 CEU)
Noon – 1:30 p.m. Luncheon with Brian Floca ($20)
(0.1 CEU)
1:45-2:45 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
A1. Extend your STEM with Mother Goose*
Soline Holmes, Carrel Muller, and Alicia Schwarzenbach- Room 214
(0.1 CEU)
A2. Create! Play! Learn!: Interactive Early Literacy Programming
Terri Hadley and Emmie Powell- Room 210
(0.1 CEU)
A3. Kamishibai Storytelling: Bringing Culture and Interactive Storytelling into Your
Claudia Nisbett and Nancy Varian- Room 218 A
(0.1 CEU)
A4. The Magnolia Award
Lindsey Beck and Venetia Oglesby- Room 218 B
(0.1 CEU)
3-4 p.m. Concurrent Sessions
B1. Incorporating Nature into the Curriculum: Some Practical Ideas
Jo Hackl- Room 214
(0.1 CEU)
B2. Authors, Books, and Coffee
Vandy Pancetti-Donelson- Room 218 B
(0.1 CEU)
B3. Making a Maker Space in a Middle School Library*
Tamela Camp Miller and Emma Seiler- Room 210
(0.1 CEU)